Join The Self Study Accelerator Program

$1,997.00 Including GST

NOTE: This program is usually $3297 during a live round – save a whopping $1300 with the self study option.

Learn the powerful strategies salon owners are using to get fully booked and build incredibly profitable businesses, all while taking their life back! This self study program comes with tones of recorded zoom sessions from previous live rounds of the program, meaning you can watch and listen to all the questions and answers from past salon owners and even watch the full 8 weeks live round videos, to feel like you are being guided every step of the way!


What’s included in your self study package?

The Full Accelerator Training Program & portal that takes you through all the strategies and tactics that have driven hundreds of thousands of dollars into salons every year!

Eight Modules that walk you through the creation, set up and implementation of successful marketing, client retention, sales, memberships and back end automations.

Graphic Design swipe copy (done for you) delivered to you directly through Canva for all your Ads, Offers & Memberships

Email & Text Message swipe copy (done for you) for your client experience messages & marketing campaigns – no more blank pages while trying to figure out what to say

Lifetime Access to the full program, meaning you can log back in at anytime to access your course content.
