Chi Marie Beauty Salon Mentor

Hey beauty,

Are you tired of putting all your time and energy into reaching new clients for your Salon/Spa/Clinic, only to find yourself extremely frustrated by the lack of results, wondering what you’re doing wrong?

We both know it’s not a lack of trying since you’re clearly giving it everything you’ve got – so what the heck is missing?

Well, allow me to put your mind at ease as I share how you can start attracting high quality clients to your salon, by doing LESS than you’re currently doing – halleluiah!

Firstly, let’s debunk what ‘reach’ means in terms of growing your beauty salon. ‘Reach’ is all about how many people SEE & KNOW about your salon. Then the next step is knowing how to get MORE people to see and know about it.

Most salons have the circle they keep their reach within, which is your social media, maybe a website and your shop front. That circle is crucial to your business since it’s how you find new clients and how they find you.

Let’s dive into how you actually increase your reach to create real conversions. Basically, we want to turn ‘stagnant reach’ into ‘engaged reach’ – meaning implementing different strategies to increase your engagement and therefore increase your conversion rate.

So, the first thing you need to do if you haven’t done so already is get clear on who your ideal client is & what their desires are. This is something so many salon owners get confused by or give up on all-together. However, when done correctly, it can be GAME CHANGING for your business. Start by asking yourself these simple questions:


· Who do you want to serve?

· Do they have money?

· Do they have time?

· Do they desire the services you offer?


Once you have identified your ideal client, you can then start to connect with that person & create exciting offers they actually want and are looking for. Then, we need to make sure you’re implementing the right tools such as ‘immediate response marketing’ & ‘scarcity’ to entice them to book FAST. For example, a fast & easy converting tool will get somebody to say, “I just found a new salon & it’s exactly what I’m looking for, I’m going to book in for that right now”.

So the goal is to create fast conversion with your reach, rather than lots of reach with lots of hope and not very much conversion.. which is sadly what’s usually happening out there; plenty of hope, plenty of work, and not enough money through the doors.

Secondly, we want to connect you with businesses that are currently serving this person, build a strong relationship with them & then create business to business referrals. This is how you tap into your community’s data base and have those businesses do the work for you 😉 B2B referrals are a SUPER effective tool in terms of your reach! That way, whether you’re hands-on in your marketing each week or not, you’ll have a stream of new clients heading through your doors from those businesses you’ve connected with!

As you can see, it’s really important that your reach has a combination of the tasks that you implement, as well as a large majority of tasks that are automated & run consistently behind the scenes for you, whether you’re with clients all week or not – this is KEY.

Lastly, you want to make sure you combine your reach with TRUST. This will create a hundred times more conversion than reach WITHOUT trust. Reach without trust is if someone sees your business card or brochure on a notice board..

However, an example of ‘reach’ WITH trust, is someone receiving a special offer created specifically for them by someone they know. Which means you will you’re going to get WAY more high-quality, ideal clients coming through your doors!

I hope these tips have been helpful! If you’d like further guidance, feel free to check out our Accelerator program or simply reach out to me personally! I would love to help any way I can 😊

China x


Author Chimaire

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